Play 29 Card Game Online on Mela App

29 belongs to the elite group of card games enjoyed by the South Asian players, especially the Indian subcontinent. 29 is the one of the most popular renditions of twenty eight. In this game, the Jack and the Nine are the most valuable cards in every suit as they carry the maximum points. It is safe to say that the game is similar to the European family of Jass games, which was invented in the Netherlands. If history is to be believed, it is most likely that these games were introduced to India by the Dutch traders who came for business.

It is difficult to gauge the distribution of 29 in the Indian market, but reports suggest that the game is hugely popular in the northern part of India along with Mumbai and West Bengal. 29 is also played by the card game enthusiasts in Bangladesh and Nepal too.

The game descriptions found for this game and some other card games do not match with each other. It gives an impression that there are multiple variations of 29 depending on where it is played, either in India or in the rest of the world. It would be amazing if any experienced 29 game enthusiasts reading this could share some light with more details and other variations of this game, and the locations where they are played.

In 29, the winner of the last round gets an additional point and hence the name 29. As opposed to 28, the bidding in 29 starts from 16. In South Africa, the game is popularly called Thunee and is loved by the Indo-South African community.

As card games are being digital, it is important for us at MELA to include this gem of a game in our kitty. So, you can play 29 on the Mela app. Download now and be a part of this wonderful game.

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29 Card Game Rules on Mela App

29 is a card game that needs intelligence and strategy. Over a period time, 29 has gone through various changes, but the core game rules still remain the same. Are you wondering how to play 29? Here is a step-by-step guide on how to play 29.

  • 29 is a team game. The game requires four players to be divided into teams of two players each.
  • The team that bids the highest points will have to score at least those many points.
  • If the team is unable to score the predicted number of points, they lose the game.
  • In the event where the team scores equal to or more than the predicted points, they win the game.
  • Wild Trump - Just like 28, the team that bids the highest points in 29 gets to choose the trump.
  • Card Ranking - J is the highest card while 7 is the lowest ranked card. The general ranking of cards in 29 is - J>9>A>10>K>Q>8>7.
  • The cards carry individual points in 29. For instance, J carries 3 points (maximum), 9 carries 2 points, A and 10 carries 1 point each while K,Q,8, and 7 carry no points.
  • Before the play begins, the 2,3,4 and 5 cards from each suit are discarded from the 52 cards deck. Each player gets one set each from these cards and can be used as trump cards.
  • The objective of the game is to win points where you have the maximum valued cards. The final trick carries 1 additional point which brings the grand total to 29, aptly named.
Tips & Tricks

As you are thorough with the game rules, it is time to learn some crucial tips and tricks to consistently win the game. Though the 29 game tips and tricks are simple, there are some game tricks designed keeping the above rules in mind.

  • Identify Trump Early - Focus on the trump card when you start playing the game. It is best to identify the trump card early. It is a nice trick to keep an eye open to see which suit the opponent is not playing.
  • Use Your Trump Wisely - If the game is not divided in segments, it is best to request a trump card. This way, you can end up winning more hands by proper use of trump cards.
  • When to Ace - At times, during the game, you may find it difficult to win a hand. However, there is a Jack on the table, so play an Ace to win the hand and you end up getting points for both.
  • Smaller Cards - Avoid playing point cards to win a hand when you see Kings and Queens. So, save your aces and try to win the hands with smaller cards.
  • Strategy is Key - Prepare a proper plan before you begin the game. Take a glance at your initial cards and use it to your advantage. If you fail to score the predicted hands, you will end up losing the additional points too.
  • Keep a Count - Keep your cards in check. This means keep an eye on the cards played and the cards available at all times.
  • Protect Your Higher Cards - It is a good idea to use the lower cards first and then move on to the higher cards. This strategy will ensure that you protect your higher cards and let the opponent use their higher cards initially.
You need 4 players to play the 29 card game online. It is a team game, so the 4 players are divided into teams of two.
29 is a team game and cannot be played alone.
In the 29 card game, Jack (J) is the highest card. Jack (J) is worth 3 points in the game.
29 is another rendition of the 28 card game with minor variations. In 29, the winner of the last round scores an additional point. Interestingly, this additional point makes the difference and is loved by the players.
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