Air Hockey
Play Air Hockey Online on Mela App

A group of Brunswick Billiards employees invented air hockey between 1969 and 1972. Phil Crossman, Bob Kenrick, and Brad Baldwin, three Brunswick engineers, started working on a frictionless surface game in 1969. After several years of stagnation, the concept was revived by Bob Lemieux, who focused on creating an abstracted form of ice hockey with a thin disc, two strikers, and slit-like goals with photodetectors. Air hockey was then marketed and sold to the general public after it was determined that the game might appeal to a bigger market.

It is a tabletop activity in which two opposing players use two hand-held discs ("mallets") and a lightweight plastic puck to score goals against each other on a low-friction table. Air hockey is played on an air table, which is an older technology.

Air tables began as a conveyor system that allowed heavy objects such as cardboard boxes to flow effortlessly across a table surface. Ball bearings were used to seal very large holes in the original air tables from the 1940s. The balls would be depressed by an object on the table, enabling air to escape and lifting the thing slightly off the table. This had been developed and repurposed as a teaching tool for elementary physics by the year 1967.

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Rules To Play Air Hockey Online on Mela App

Air hockey is a fast-paced game, fun guaranteed with family and friends. We have got you covered with the game rules so that you can play this game with loads of excitement.

  • You will have to focus and try to hit the puck in the opponent's goal with the striker that is also known as mallets.
  • Whenever you score a goal, you will be given 5 points for it and lose 5 points when your opponent scores a goal.
Tips & Tricks

Although air hockey may look like an easy game, it requires undivided attention, constant focus, and strategic tips to win. This game aims to prevent the puck from getting into the opponent's goal.

  • Keep your focus on the puck as it approaches you. That means if it turns right, move your mallet to the right; if your puck is in the middle, move the mallet in the middle. This is a focused and strategic play to intercept the puck of your opponent.
  • Use triangle defense, i,e, put the mallet above your goal so that you can block your opponents' shots.
  • When your opponent's goal is left unprotected, use straight shots as a defensive strategy. Simply push the puck directly into the goal with the mallet.
  • Hit the puck towards the wall closest to your goal, which is known as the over bank shot. This shot is used against the opponent in offense mode to set up another strategic shot.
  • The opposite of an over bank shot is when you aim at the opponent's wall that will help and score a goal with a smart move.

* Avoid multiple bankings on the sides, as it implies that your shots are not strategy-driven.

Your score will be decided by how well you defeat your opponent in this game.
Yes, this is a multiplayer game in which each player is paired with a bot as an opponent, and the player who scores the highest point wins.
Yes, scoring your own goal will give you a negative 5 points.
No, in air hockey, you cannot cross the half-line.
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