Play Court Piece Online on Mela App

Court Piece is a trick-taking card game similar to the whist game where the biggest hand makes trumps after the first five cards have been dealt. Trick play comes to an end once one of the players has won seven tricks. Court Piece is also known as Hokm, Rung or Rang in Persian and Urdu. It is typically played by four players divided into two teams, but there are adaptations for two or three players.

Other games derived from Court Piece have got rid of the peculiar role of the biggest hand or have included additional features like 2 of the hearts as the biggest trump, the requirement to win two straight tricks to pick up tricks, or counting tens instead of tricks.

Court Piece is known to have originated in the Indian subcontinent or Iran. In India, the game is also called Coat Peace, Kot Pees, Chokri, Chakri, Rung or Rang. Other names of the Court Piece are Seven Hands (Iran), t’rup Chaal, and Hok (Israel). It is popularly called Troefcall in the Netherlands and Satat, a well known card game in Mauritius.

In Iran, the game was played with two and three players as well. For a 3 player game, one of the 2s is eliminated which gives 51 cards instead of 52. The cards are then dealt in packs of 5-4-4-4. As soon as one of the players wins more tricks than the opposition, the round will be stopped and the winner will be declared. The game also comes to a halt if a player wins the first 7 games.

Court Piece is now available on your favorite Mela App. So, what are you waiting for? Download the app now to start playing this classic card game online.

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Rules To Play Court Piece Online on Mela App

In the Court Piece online version, you need to follow some of the basic game rules to play fair and win the game. It can be played by four players. Let's find out some of the exciting game rules.

  • The game will be played with 52 cards. Two teams of 2 will battle each other to try and win the game.
  • The team that wins the maximum number of hands will eventually win the game.
  • The player has complete liberty to choose the trump in Court Piece on the Mela app.
  • The value of each card in the game can be explained in the following manner: A>K>Q>J>10>9>8>7>6>5>4>3>2.
  • In the game of Court Piece, 1 hand is equal to 1 point. Hence, a team will need to win at least 7 hands to win the game.
Tips & Tricks

The scoring system for Court Piece online is straightforward. However, there are some amazing tips and tricks that you can use during the game to score more points and win the game. Let’s take a look at some Court Piece tips:

  • In the first few rounds itself, ensure that you try to win tricks using the cards 8 and below. Try not to use the higher value cards like J,Q,K,A in the initial rounds.
  • By doing so, you may end up losing the first few tricks. This will encourage the opposition to play their high-value cards in the initial rounds which will help you later.
  • If you manage to win 7 straight tricks and score a court, you do not need to continue the game further. Once you win 7 tricks, your team will win the game.
  • When you play online court piece game on the Mela app, try to avoid using high-value cards and trump suites till the end of the game. In the instance where your opponent is on a winning streak, you can use the high-value cards to break their streak and make a comeback in the game.
The Court Piece game is a 4 player game, usually played in two pairs of 2 players.
Court Piece is a multiplayer game played by 4 players divided into two teams of 2.
The trump caller will choose the trump from the first 5 cards dealt.
You need at least 7 hands to win the Court Piece game.
To claim the tricks from the centre of the table, a player needs to win two successive tricks after the trump suit is revealed. Ace wins even if it was not designated to be a trump at the time it was played.
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