Dehla Pakad
Play Dehla Pakad Game Online on Mela App

India is a land of trick taking card games and Dehla Pakad is one of the many amazing games that India has given to the world. Dehla Pakad is a trick-taking card game where four players are divided into teams and the partners are placed opposite each other. The idea of the game is to win as many tricks as possible with the most number of tens from all four suits in play. Dehla Pakad in english roughly translates to collecting tens.

Dehla Pakad is an intriguing card game mostly played in India, Pakistan, Nepal and it is just another version of Mindi Kot which is also very commonly played in parts of India. Dehla Pakad is played in the northern states of India like UP and Bihar. The game is easy to learn and provides a fresh perspective everytime you play it. It is a game that is loved by the older generation and is played every night in villages of India. With the advent of technology, the game is getting more popular amongst the younger audience as the game is available online. Dehla Pakad is thought to be a game of smart minds and you need a good strategy to win the game in a partnership.

The beauty of this amazing game lies in the focus of guessing the opponent team’s cards along with your team member’s cards and the trump is not declared at the beginning of the game. Moreover, the goal is not just to make seven hands but also score a minimum of two 10s which makes the game more exciting to play.

As mentioned above, Dehla Pakad has evolved with time and the craze of the game is rising. At Mela, we strive to offer you online games like Dehla Pakad which were part of your childhood and give you a chance to play these games again with players around the world. So, what are you waiting for? Download the Mela app now and get busy playing one of the oldest trick taking card games in India.

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Dehla Pakad Rules on Mela App

There is no official scoring method recorded for Dehla Pakad. The aim of the game is to simply win as many hands as possible, we have tried to summarize the game rules for you.

    Win as many hands as possible. Try to win hands which contain “10”. You need at least 2 “10”s to win the game.

    To win the game outright, your team needs to score 3 “10”s and in case both the teams have equal scores equal “10”s, then the winner is decided based on the team which has scored more hands.

    Please bear in mind that, simply winning more “non 10” hands in the game doesn’t qualify your team’s win.

Trump Selection
  • The Trump is set during the game in Dehla Pakad.
  • Usually, a Trump card is set when a player doesn’t have any card of the current suit being played.
  • The card played by the player then will be called a Trump.
  • Card Ranking - A>K>Q>J>10>9>8>7>6>5>4>3>2.
Scoring in Dehla Pakad
  • In the game of Dehla Pakad, the non “10” hands do not get you any points.
  • The team that scores a “10” hand scores 10 points.
  • Amongst both the teams, the team that scores 150 points will be declared the winner of the game.
Tips & Tricks

Though the game of Dehla Pakad is easy, it is also a game of strategy and coordination as you play as a team. You can use some of the below tips and tricks to win the most hands in Dehla Pakad.

  • Keep a track of your high value cards. In the beginning, try to save most of your high ranked cards to win the game when the opponents are playing their tens.
  • Try to use your tens when the opponent team has played low-value cards.
  • Your aim should be to collect all 4 tens as a team in Dehla Pakad on the Mela app.
  • Sometimes, it may happen that you lose 1 or 2 tens early in the game. It is not a major issue if you manage to win the remaining 10s and score at least seven hands to win the game.

Dehla Pakad is not a game of luck, you need a good strategy and play according to your strength to win the game.

Dehla Pakad is a team game typically played with 4 players.
Dehla Pakad is a team game played by 4 players. The 4 players are further divided into two teams of 2 players each.

Try to play the game in a way where you don’t hamper your teammate’s cards as Delha Pakad on Mela is a team game.

Pro Tip: The card you show must strengthen your team’s hand and not weaken it.
Initially, try not to use all your good cards early in the game. It is best to get rid of weaker cards and still be able to win some hands. Wait for the right time to unleash your stronger cards and attack the opposition team.
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