Play Mendicot Game Online on Mela App

India is the country known for its trick taking card games and Mindi is one of the various card games that India gave to the world. Mindi is one of the most interesting card games where four players are divided into two teams of 2 players each, positioned opposite each other. The objective of Mindi is to win as many hands with a maximum number of tens from all four suits. Mindi roughly translates to “ten” in the English language.

Mindi is a fascinating trick taking card game played in India, Nepal, Pakistan and it is played with minor variations in other parts of the world. Dehla Pakad is one such amazing variation which is also available on the Mela app.

Mindi is played with a standard card deck of 52 cards. In the traditional game, the partnership formation, seating positions, and first dealer is done in a number of ways. The usual method is to draw cards and the two players with the highest ranked cards form a team and play against the other two players. Interestingly, the player drawing the highest card would be the designated first dealer.

After partnerships are formed and the first dealer is decided, the dealer shuffles the cards and deals the first hand. The cards are dealt in a counter-clockwise direction around the table. The custom was to deal the cards in a batch of five, next batch of four and a final batch of four cards. Once all the players have received their cards, they can pick up their cards to examine and strategize further.

In the traditional game, the trump was not decided in the beginning of the game. The trump was usually decided during the play when one of the players doesn’t have a card of the same suit.

Since decades, not a lot has changed in Mindi. Now, the game is popular amongst teenagers and young adults as they can play Mindi on the Mela app.

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Mendicot Rules on Mela App

There is no official scoring method recorded for Mindi. The objective of the game is to simply win as many 10s as possible, we have tried to summarize the game rules for you.

  • Try and win as many 10s as possible.
  • Before the game begins, Trump is selected without looking at it. The Trump is revealed when a player is unable to follow the current suit being played.
  • Card Ranking: A>K>Q>J>10>9>8>7>6>5>4>3>2.
Scoring in Mindi on the Mela app
  • Try to win as many hands with “10”. You need more than 2 “10” card hands to win in Mindi.
  • Try to win at least two hands with “10” and in that case you will need to win more than 7 hands to win.
  • Please note that simply winning the most “non 10” hands doesn’t make you a winner in Mindi.
Tips & Tricks

Mindi is a fairly easy game, though it is also a game of strategy and coordination as you play as a team. It is best to use some of the below tips and tricks to win the most hands in Mindi as a team.

  • It is best to keep a check on your high value cards at the beginning of the game. Initially, try and save most of your high value cards to win the game when the opposition is playing their tens.
  • Strategically use your tens when the opponents play a low-value card.
  • Try and collect all 4 tens as a team when you play Mindi on the Mela app.
  • At times, it may happen that you lose one or two “10”s early in the game. It is not a major setback and you can still manage to win the remaining 10s and score a minimum of 7 hands or more to win the game.

Mindi is not a game of luck, as a professional player you need to know the game rules and have a good strategy and play according to your strengths and weaknesses to win as a team.

Scoring is the primary objective to play and win at Mindi. The game is played in partnerships and hence the team which scores more number of tens wins the hand. If both the teams have equal tens (two tens each), the winner is decided by the team having more than seven tricks.
Yes, when you play Mindia on the Mela app, the game is played by four players divided into two teams consisting of 2 players each.
The trump in Mindi is usually decided at the time when a player is unable to follow suit.
In Hindi, the numerical “10” card is known as Mindi.
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