Play Bluff Card Game Online on Mela App

Bluff is a card game where the players are required to get rid of all their cards before their opponents. It is also known as Cheat or I Doubt it due to the nature of the game. It is a game of deceit, where the cards are played face down and the players being allowed to bluff about the cards they have played.

A challenge is made by the players calling out the name of the game (Bluff), and the player who loses the game has to collect all the cards played till then. Bluff was often played as a party game. Similar to the other card games in history, Bluff has an oral tradition and hence people are taught the game under multiple names.

Let us see some of these examples which can help us understand the history of Bluff better. A popular British version of the game enables a player to pass their turn if they don’t want to lie or if all the cards of the said rank have obviously been played before.

Some versions of the game enable a rank above or below the previous rank to be called. While some other game versions allow the current rank to be constant or go down through the ranks and not go up. It is reported that some versions allow only one card to get rid of during a turn.

Now, there are some versions where a player may bluff about the number of cards they are playing. This happens when they are confident that other opponents will fail to notice the discrepancy. In some parts of the world, Bluff is played where all the cards are revealed after the challenge, offering information about which players made a bluff.

Having said that, there are different variations of the bluff game and you can play bluff on the Mela app now. So, download the app today and start playing.

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Bluff Card Game Rules on Mela App

Bluff is an extremely popular game played all over the world; some of the game rules you must learn to try and win each and every game that you play.

  • Bluff is a game which can be played with a maximum of 4 players and can be played individually on the Mela app with bots. 52 cards will be distributed amongst the players and no card will be left.
  • There is no trump card when you play bluff on the Mela app.
  • Cards are played face-down and players may lie about the cards they have played.
  • It is possible for the players to challenge the bluff of their opponents.
  • If the bluff is right, the player who bluffed will have to pick up all the cards.
  • If the bluff is wrong, the opponent calling the bluff will have to pick up all the cards.
  • When a player’s bluff is caught, he/she is busted.
  • The player gets three lives. Once a player is busted thrice, he/she will lose the game.
Tips & Tricks

It is difficult to be good at Bluff especially when you are a newbie. Still, following the above game rules along with these tips will help you understand the game better. Once you understand the game well, winning comes naturally to you. These tips include:

  • Understand the Game - There are two ways to win at Bluff, you can either bluff or tell the truth. The truth might make you confident, but it is definitely not feasible; the game here is to deceive people and allow them to think you are revealing the truth. So, it is best to master the art of bluffing to be good at the game.
  • Learn to bluff and not be bluffed - When you are trying to learn how to play the game, it basically includes the art of bluffing. To be better at the Bluff game, you need to be smart to choose the turn where you can wisely bluff. Moreover, you need to have a solid sense to identify lies and turn down the opponents who are trying to bluff you.
  • Avoid bluffing against newbies - New players are more likely to be impulsive and would often call in situations where the experienced players would pass. More often than not, the newbies are erratic with their choices and moves which makes bluffing quite difficult. The novices will look to call off large chunks of the stack with not-so-great hands. The inexperienced players will also be more inclined to overvalued hands.
  • When you play with newbies, at times it can work for you against calling stations by getting value when you think they are bluffing or looking for a draw. More experienced players would recommend you to avoid bluffing against players who don’t know what they are doing. According to David Mamer, “you can’t bluff someone who’s not paying attention.”
  • Identify the key moments wisely - When you play bluff on the Mela app, timing is everything. You should choose your moments wisely by identifying who is playing tight or loose, aggressive or passive, and then choose your bluffs accordingly. Playing a bluff against a less aggressive player is not an issue. On the other hand, the same bluff against an aggressive player could be a great way to win blinds. However, it is best to not go overboard with your bluffs.
Bluff is a game where upto 4 players can play at a time.
Bluff is a game which can be played with upto 4 players and can be played individually with bots on the Mela app.
In the Mela app, you get 3 lives. Hence, if you bluff and can get caught once or challenge a bluff and lose once, you get two additional chances. Once you exhaust all the three lives, you lose the game.
When you challenge the opponent in the game of bluff, you have to choose the cards that player has thrown and the result of the challenge will depend on that particular card.
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