Play Poker Game Online on Mela App

Poker was developed during the early 19th century in the United States of America and till date it is one of the most popularly games played in the casinos. Since its humble beginnings, Poker has become an integral pastime game around the world.

The broadly accepted theory is that poker was developed in the 1800s and it was loosely based on Poque, a French parlor game. Poque was brought to New Orleans in the United States by the French traders. The popular British game Brag is also a derivative of the German bluffing game. Brag was brought to the United States by traders and colonists. It is said to influence the earliest versions of Poker which was often played with a 20-card deck.

Poker started out as a regional game played in salons in New Orleans and Louisiana before it became popular in the entire country. In the mid 19th century, the deck of cards was expanded from 20 to 52 cards. Still, Poker continued to remain a five-card game. The hand rankings had a “Flush” (five cards of the same suit) in the mid 1800’s. In the 1860’s, the “straight” (five sequence cards) were also included in hand rankings.

The decks and rules have been standardized and played globally with almost the same core rules. The primary goal of the game still remains the same, try to make a five-card poker hand and if you lack that, try to bluff and win the pot. There are several variations of the game and some of the most popular Poker games are Texas Hold’em, Big-O, Open-Face Chinese Poker etc. You can now play the Poker game online on the Mela app.

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Rules to Play Poker Game on Mela App

To win a game of Poker, you either need to bluff the opponents or hold your best hand till the end. In Poker, you will look to make the best possible five card hand. The card holdings can range from a high card up to a Royal Flush. Check the game rules below before you begin your Poker journey:

  • Poker is an individual game and the player with the highest card value will win the game.
  • There is no trump in the game of Poker.
  • Card Ranking - A>K>Q>J>10>9>8>7>6>5>4>3>2.
  • Royal Flush - In Mela, a Royal Flush happens when you have A,K,Q,J,10 of the same suit.
  • Straight Flush - If you have five cards of the same suit in a sequence, you can score a Straight Flush in the Poker game on the Mela app.
  • Four of a kind - This hand occurs when you have four numerical matching cards of the same kind.
  • Full House - You get a Full House combination of three of a kind and a pair in the same hand.
  • Flush - Flush is five cards of the same suit, in any order.
  • Straight - When you have five cards of any suit, in any sequence.
  • 3 of a kind - Any three numerically matching cards calls for 3 of a kind.
  • 2 Pairs - Two different pairs in the same hand.
  • Pairs - Any two numerically matching cards.
  • High Card - The highest ranked card in your hand with an ace being the highest and 2 being the lowest card.
How to Play
  • You can place Bets. Each player gets 2 cards each and you get the option to Bet/Fold.
  • Players can win a hand by using a combination of their two cards and five common cards to make an optimum five card hand.
  • If you check the cards you have on your hand, there are two options. If you don’t have good cards, you can bluff or fold. But, if you have good cards, then you must raise the bets high.
  • The Dealer reveals the 3rd card (Flop). Then bet again.
  • The Dealer reveals the 4th card (Turn). Then bet again.
  • The Dealer reveals another card (River). Bet again and reveal the hand.
Tips & Tricks

To play Poker like a pro, learn these important tricks before you start playing.

  • Play Fewer but aggressive hands - There is a limit on the number of initial hands you can play before the flop, even for the pro players. If you look to play too many hands, you’ll reduce your chip stack soon.
  • Try not to be the first player to Limp - Limping means to enter the pot by calling rather than raising. For instance, a player who calls the big blind (rather than raises) is known as “limping in”. Limping is not an ideal option when you are the first player to enter a pot. There are two primary reasons why you should avoid it:
    1. You cannot win the pot before the flop if you raised.
    2. You give the opponents very attractive odds which makes it more likely that you will face more players and make it less likely to win.
  • Semi-Bluff aggressively - You need to learn the art of bluffing if you want to ace at Poker. The most efficient way to bluff is to let the cards decide if you are going to bluff or not. You must also have a backup strategy, in case your bluff is called by the opponents.
  • Build the Pot - More often than not, it is advisable to bet your strong hands to build the pot and protect it. Try not to lose out on the potential value when your opponent folds.
  • Fold when you are not sure - It sounds easy but is actually difficult when you are new to the game. Calling often and in the wrong places is the fastest way to lose at poker. Practicing the game, folding and analyzing the hands is the best way to enhance your skills and get better at Poker.
To be good at Poker, it is necessary for you to learn the ranking of cards. By doing this, you can get full control of the game.
A poker face refers to the lack of emotion on your face when playing poker. It doesn’t give away your cards when you learn to master it. For instance, if you are happy, your opponents will know that you have good cards and can use it against you. By using a poker face, you make it difficult for the opponents to guess the cards you have. This will come in handy when you are playing the game on a video call.
Folding is as important as raising the stakes in Poker. It is crucial to know when to raise your hands and when to quit. This way, you can minimize your losses in Poker game on the Mela app.
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