Play Chess Online on Mela App

Chess is an abstract strategy game and involves no hidden information. It is played on a square chessboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid. At the start, each player (one controlling the white pieces, the other controlling the black pieces) controls sixteen pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king, whereby the king is under immediate attack (in "check") and there is no way for it to escape. There are also several ways a game can end in a draw.

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Rules to Play Chess Online on Mela App

Do you aspire to become a Grandmaster in Chess? Then your future begins here.

Step 1: How to arrange the Chessboard.

Before you begin, the Chessboard is set up in a fashion that each player has the white color square in the bottom right corner.

The second row is packed with pawns. The rooks are arranged in the corner next to the knights, followed by the bishops and the queen, who is positioned on her own matching color. The remaining square is taken by the King.

Step 1: How to move the Chess pieces.

All the pieces in Chess have a specific movement which is mentioned below:

King - The King can only move one square at a time either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. When the game begins, the King can make a peculiar move called ‘castling’.

Queen - The Queen can move N number of vacant squares in any direction (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally).

Rook - The Rook can move N number of vacant squares either horizontally or vertically. It is also a part of the ‘castling’ move.

Bishop - The Bishop can move N number of vacant squares diagonally only.

Knight - The Knight can move a single square along a rank or file and then at an angle. This movement can be visually seen as a “L” or “7” at a horizontal or vertical angle.

Pawns - The pawns can move forward two squares in the first move and if the square is unoccupied. A pawn cannot move backward in the game of chess. The Pawns can capture an enemy piece diagonally in front of them but can not move to these spaces if they are vacant.

Step 3: Learn the rules.

It is important to learn the rules of the game like promotion, en passant, castling and more which we will understand in the next section.

Step 4: Who makes the first move.

The opponent with the white pieces always makes the first move. So, white makes the first move, then black, and then white again.

Step 5: How to checkmate.

The idea of the game of Chess is to checkmate the rival’s King. It happens when the opposite King is put in Check and is not able to get out.

Step 6: Learn the basics of Chess.

There are four important elements of Chess.

  1. Protect your King at all costs.
  2. Don’t let your pieces die.
  3. Dominate the center of the Chessboard.
  4. Use all the chess pieces in the game.
Step 7: Practice

To improve your chances of winning and to get better, it is important to practice at home with friends or family. Now, you can easily play the game online.

Tips & Tricks

Here are some tricks that will establish you as a Chess Grandmaster.

  • Don’t play too fast. If you like a move, sit on it and wait for the right time. Patience is a virtue in the game of Chess.
  • Bring your King to the corner of the board, which is a safe place.
  • Don’t waste too much time playing with the pawns.
  • Pawns are special as they have a unique ability to be promoted if it reaches the other side of the board safely. It can become any piece on the board, excluding the King.
  • Learn en passant, which is French for ‘in passing’. If a pawn gets out two squares on the first move, the other pawn has the choice to capture the first pawn when it passes by.
  • A classic rule of Chess is known as castling. It enables you to do two important tasks: get your King to safety and get your rook out of the corner and in the game. It can only happen if it is the King’s first move or the rook’s first move. There cannot be any pieces between the King and rook, and the King cannot be in Check.
  • Before you play the queen or King, start with the pawns and then move on to the knights and bishops to the centre of the Chessboard. These pieces can help you attack vigorously.
  • Win the endgame. When you are down to the last few pieces, the pawns become crucial, and you must learn to checkmate your opponent to win the game.
Chess is derived from the ancient Indian game of Chaturanga played in India in 600 AD.
It differs from player to player. Some people play the game using logic and principle, and some people simply play an intuitive game.
You can play Chess online on the Mela app.
When a pawn reaches the promotion square, it can be promoted to any piece on the board, excluding the King.
When a pawn advances two squares and lands in the same rank as the rival or an adjacent square, it can be seized by the opponent pawn on the next move.
Castling is a special move in the game that enables the King and the rook to move simultaneously. The King can move two squares, either left or right, and the rook can be placed on the side of the King.
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