Play Solitaire Game Online on Mela App

Solitaire is a card game that can be played individually. The word”Solitaire” is also often used for single-player focus games and skill with the help of a set of layout tiles or dominoes. These games are peg solitaire and mahjong solitaire which can be played alone or with a team.

Playing cards was popular in the 12th century in China during the Tang rule. Games were developed by shuffling and dealing paper dominoes. In the 15th century, other countries like Italy and Spain started playing cards for entertainment. It started because of the trade routes globally and was played by the rich upper class. The card deck used was mostly hand-made and often sold at high prices. Hence, it became a game of the rich aristocratic people.

Though we relate solitaire with patience, it was also used as a type of fortune-telling in the 18th century. Solitaire was used as a deceptive way of decision making. It happened during the Napoleonic era. Historians report that Napoleon played Solitaire to relax when he was alone and needed some time to sharpen his skills.

There are various types of solitaire, but the rendition we are familiar with and play today was discovered from a casino in New York. It was named “Klondike” after an area in Canada near the Alaskan border. It is amazing to know that a game developed in a remote location has traveled all over the world.

Klondike became a sensation when it was included in Microsoft Windows from the 1990s for free to all the Microsoft users. It is estimated that more than 30 million players were added every month and a little over half a billion players were playing the game in a decade.

The online version of Solitaire is very convenient as it can be played by anyone at any time. You can play Solitaire on the Mela app now.

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Solitaire Game Rules on Mela App

Solitaire started as a digital game on computers to help users become acquainted with using a mouse to click, drag, and drop items on a screen. As users started getting more familiar with computers and moved to touch screen devices, the game still remains to be popular on every computer and phone. Some of the basic rules of the game include:

  • The player who moves their cards to the goal in the least possible moves will be declared the winner.
  • There are four goals in the Solitaire game on the Mela app.
  • Preview - The preview includes face-up cards.
  • Pile - The pile means the face-down cards.
  • Columns - The seven columns that constitute the main table.
  • The player needs to move all the cards to the four goals. Each goal can hold a single suit and the cards should follow the order: A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, J, Q, and K.
  • When you arrange the cards in a column, the cards must be placed in descending order in alternate colors.
  • If a column does not have any cards, only the K card can be placed in that column.
Tips & Tricks

Once you have learned the rules of Solitaire, it is now time to learn some important tips to excel at online Solitaire.

  • Understand the Rules - It is possible to win any game only when you are thorough with the game rules so that you can make informed decisions during the game. The game is played with a deck of 52 cards and the player needs to build different goals of different suits and place the cards into each goal. Understanding how the cards are used and their placement is an important part to win the game.
  • Go Big - It is best to expose columns consisting of larger stacks first when you are focusing on hidden cards. By doing so, you get a better chance of showing useful cards that can be used later. It is crucial that you start by moving all the cards from the pile and then deal with the cards that can be dealt from the deck.
  • Distribute Evenly - Most newbies make a common mistake by attempting to finish a single pile. If there is a chance to maintain two piles with five piles, merge them to form a single pile of 10 cards. Moreover, if there is room to make two long piles, try to do so by making them opposite to each other. For example, if the king in your first pile is black, then try making the king of the adjacent pile black or vice versa.
  • Manage Colors - Trying to fill a spot with a red or black King is a major move and you should think wisely before making a decision. Note: The King’s color decides the color of that pile till the end of the game.
  • Similar Suits - It is the most essential trick in Solitaire. By doing so, you can free a stuck card from the face-down cards. But, this is not possible in certain situations. However, it is always better to have this option when you are running out of tricks. For instance, when you have a 8 of Spades card blocking multiple face down cards and you don’t have 3 of Hearts/4 of Spades/5 of Spades, you can release piles of 8 of Diamond/ 5 of Diamond etc. then place the 8 of Spades to where the 8 of Diamond was previously to free the face down card.
  • Change Your Strategy - It is good to change your strategy if you are struggling to win and there is no point to stick to a strategy that doesn’t help you win. However, bear in mind, not all Solitaire games can be won as the cards are dealt randomly.
The cards in Solitaire are dealt randomly when the game begins. Even if you play well, it is possible that you might not win all the games.
You can play Solitaire online on the Mela app for fun, for glory, for coins, and also cash prizes during tournaments. It is easy to play a game with your friends online or face a round-off with a stranger.
In solitaire, the cards are dealt randomly and hence you need a bit of luck along with great skills to win consistently. There are hundreds of different Solitaire versions. Each version has different game rules and you might need different rules to win.
No, it is only possible to stack a card of a different colored suit in Solitaire.
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